old man touching hearing aid in ear

Are you eligible for the Hearing Services Program?

The Australian Government Hearing Services Program (HSP) provides fully or partially subsidised hearing aids and services to Australians who are eligible under rules set out by the Department of Health.

Coastal Audiology is an accredited service provider of the Hearing Services Program. We provide hearing services to eligible pensioners and veterans.

What is covered by the HSP?

  • Fully subsidised comprehensive hearing tests
  • Fully subsidised hearing aids
  • Partially subsidised hearing aids
  • Assistive listening devices
  • Annual maintenance such as batteries and repairs
  • Rehabilitation services to help individuals optimise their communication potential.
  • Comprehensive Audiology report including interpretation of results and recommendations forwarded to the patient’s Medical Practitioner.
hearing aid held in fingers

How do I know if I am eligible for the HSP?

To be eligible for the Hearing Services Program, you must meet one of the following criteria:

happy older couple talking

Coastal Audiology can assist with the Hearing Services Program

Further eligibility checks can be completed on the Department of Health’s Hearing Services Program website.

If you’re still unsure, contact us and we can check on your behalf what options are available to access hearing health services under the Australian Governments Hearing Services Program.